"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." I forgot what verse this is.. but I remember it so clearly in one of Pastor Jeric Soriano's messages.
A good friend of mine asked me with exasperation, I don't get it?! why do christians say God-fearing instead of God-loving?!
Just like many other questions about Christianity I found it hard to explain exactly, the only answer I could surmise was the first sentence I wrote in this entry: THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM. I furthered my point in saying when we fear the Lord its not referring to a negative connotation but to the HONOR we give to our Lord.
My friend then argued, then why not say love the Lord instead of fear the Lord?
Maybe I was a coward or not so well equipped to answer such questions.. but I didn't want to argue back some more.. hehe.. I might give a stupid explanation. So instead, I just said, it would be great if you could hear that message of Pastor Jeric, I'm sure you will be enlightened. I know I was. Then silently to myself I was praying IN JESUS NAME, IN JESUS NAME, IN JESUS NAME.. open my friend's heart and mind.. let him let you in Lord.. I know I can't give him the sufficient answers Lord.. only YOU can.
The next day after we talked about it, my friend told me, "I was reading the bible today and I think I found the answer to the Fear of the Lord... or at least part of it."
My friend read to me the verse in the bible where he found it. I was smiling all over.. LORD, you work pretty fast eh?! hehehe..
Today I read my entry and found more verses that might help enlighten my friend.
Maybe if this is your question also, this might enlighten you too..
Provers 2: 1-5
My son if you receive my words,
And treasure my commands within you,
So that you incline your ear to wisdom
And apply your heart to understanding
Yes, if you cry out for discernment
And lift up your voice for understanding
If you seek her as silver
And search for her as for hidden treasures
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord
And find the knowledge of God.
I'm sure there are more verses out there to answer why Fear of The Lord but at least this can be a start. :)