Well, hello there!
After months of on-and-off-and-on-again writing, I am back!
Yes I am back. :)
Bigger and Bolder.
This year 2013, I have taken the bold step of enrolling in Bible School! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you read it right :) I enrolled in New Life School of Ministry Bible School :)
I think after 3 years of contemplating, finally God has appointed my right time and season to receive so much word. And as I looked back at the entries I have in this little blog of mine, it seems that it was all lining up to this fantastic and extremely blessed moment in my life.
Ooohh so excited to fill up these pages with my many many learnings everyday.
I won't promise how many entries I will put (para di ma-stress) but I will surely write!
Not because I have so many readers out there.. hahahaha.. but because I want to record my wonderful experiences and look back to how insightful and truly blessed I am whether I am up or down.
Stay blessed and beautiful!