Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Be Anxious for Nothing

In other words, DO NOT FRET or WORRY.
Instead of worrying... PRAY :)

I think this is truly the perfect verse to go over and over again for me.
For all the worry warts out there like me, this is the perfect verse to hold on to..

Be Anxious for NOTHING!
But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD....

Yes, that's right, go ahead and let your requests be made known to GOD.. In other words, TELL HIM! Tell the heavenly Father your requests.. and don't just whine and whine and whine all day... hehehehehe...

So let's focus on those two simple points...
1) Do not Worry--be anxious for nothing.
2) Pray--tell God your requests.

I think I can do that.
Can you do that?

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